An organization’s technology and marketing functions don’t always see eye-to-eye. When they aren’t aligned around current and future customer needs and requirements, a number of problems arise. Significant time and money is wasted. Cycle time lags. New products and services miss the mark. Tension and conflict arise.
Robust technology roadmaps deliver “platforms” for innovation. But to create these engines of business growth, technology and business functions must come to together upstream, well before the idea generation step of the so-called “fuzzy front-end” of product and service development.
Market-Driven Technology Roadmapping can reduce overall R&D investment while accelerating the time-to-market of differentiated products and services. This is especially critical for companies that invest heavily in technology development and other capital.
Questions that keep you awake at night:
- What are highest priority needs of our customers – both today and in the future?
- How do we ensure our engineers and technologists are working on the right things?
- What “technology platforms” will generate the greatest value from our R&D investments – in a way that directly supports marketplace priorities?
- What new technology programs should we start, and what must we stop working on in order to free up resources?
In some technology-driven companies, “collaboration” and “alignment” are dismissed as being soft and fuzzy. In reality, “the soft stuff is actually the hard stuff” – and in many cases is an overlooked critical success factor.
While our Market-Driven Technology Roadmapping delivers a robust roadmap of technology platforms, projects, and a resource allocation plan, the alignment created during the process helps dramatically accelerate implementation, and innovation. Our proprietary approach engages key stakeholders in a highly collaborative process that defines the common ground, tackles the tough conversations, creates resource and financial efficiencies, accelerates time-to-market, and increases the success rate of new products and services.
Learn more about InnovationPoint’s Market-Driven Technology Roadmapping methodology