Thank you for joining the session with PwC. Here are various resources to help you create your own culture of innovation…


Soren Kaplan’s Presentation Slides

Successful innovation cultures overcome the pervasive risk-avoidance that plagues many organizations to create an environment that promotes freethinking, an entrepreneurial spirit, and sustainable value creation at all levels across all functions of the company. Learn why “innovation culture” is today’s only sustainable competitive advantage and gain specific strategies for creating an Invisible Advantage for your own organization.

Innovation Tool Kits & Resources
Innovation Culture Poster

Invisible Advantage Map

Large format PDF poster of the Invisible Advantage Map

Intuit’s Catalyst Tool Kit

Design for Delight tool kit used by Intuit’s Innovation Catalysts.

Adobe Kickbox Tool Kit

Kickbox packages a proven innovation process into a self-contained kit. Anyone can use it to create and refine new ideas by working through its 6 distinct levels.

Australian Public Sector Innovation Toolkit

Public Sector Innovation Toolkit. The Toolkit has been developed to assist individual public servants, public sector teams and agencies who want to increase the extent and effectiveness of their innovation efforts.


The Invisible Advantage (Chapters 1-3 Excerpt)

The Invisible Advantage: How to Create a Culture of Innovation outlines exactly how any organization can create an environment that promotes freethinking, an entrepreneurial spirit, and sustainable value creation at all levels across all functions of an organization. The book isn’t just about the importance of an innovation culture, it’s a complete tool kit that anyone can use to uncover the unique, hidden drivers of innovation and introduce fresh, intuitive approaches tailored to their organization’s specific environment.