Leading innovation is about recognizing the importance of formal and informal rewards, communication through storytelling, and giving people freedom while providing just the right amount of structure.

Here are four rabble-rousers from the last few months that will give you an edge:

6 Ways to Create a Culture of Innovation

Gain insight into six ways to cultivate your own unique system for innovation for your organization

Rabble Rouser: I couldn’t agree more (well, I did write it)

Source: FastCompany

9 Rules for Stifling Innovation

Learn what Rosebeth Moss Kanter says about how to kill innovation

Rabble Rouser: Killing things is easy. Creating them isn’t.

Source: Harvard Business Review Blog

Getting Past the Innovation One-Off

See what local governments are doing to foster sustainable innovation

Rabble Rouser: Isn’t “government” & “innovation” an oxymoron? Not anymore.

Source: Bloomberg

How to Inspire a Culture of Innovation (through Design Thinking)

Learn what Mauro Porcini, Chief Design Officer from PepsiCo, says about fostering innovation through instilling “design thinking” throughout the organization

Rabble Rouser: Design thinking is great, but don’t forget about execution!

Source: Entrepreneur