Part one in a series uncovering what makes us buy and why (aka insights into the Deep Motivators of Consumers and the Future of Consumer Marketing)

See the introductory post here.

What will get people to buy or participate in what we have to offer?

This simple question is at the heart of most marketing programs, business strategies, innovation initiatives, and business models. Companies make huge investments based on the hope of hitting upon unmet needs or finding the hook to get people engaged.

Each week I’ll zero in on one big marketing trend. This week is Affinity Networks. Affinity Networks are communities where people come together around a shared purpose or focus. Companies create networks where people connect, share, and interact with each other based on specific common interests. Let’s look at some examples:

With Untapped, beer fans can socially connect with one another on this mobile app by sharing their favorite beers and breweries. Members can also gain points for the different kind and brands, and amount of beer they post and share on their account. This mobile app is developed specifically for people who have a specific subject in common – in this case, beer – that brings them all together and creates a sense of exclusive community for beer enthusiasts all over the world.


Runkeeper is a mobile app where people with a common interest – athletic activities – are able to track their outdoor fitness activities and connect with fellow athletes. Their personal records and times can also be shared with fellow members, which makes Runkeeper part app and part social network. Runkeeper members share a common passion, which encourages them to stay active and progress toward their individual and shared goals.


The consumer segments that drive the Affinity Networking trend are Meaning Makers, Expressive Creatives, Brand Lovers. Check out my introductory blog post for their definitions. Next week we’ll look the next consumer marketing megatrend, Instrpreneurship.