Innovation Training & Leadership Development

Workshops, Immersions & Coaching

Innovation Training & Leadership Development for Managers, High-Potential Employees, and Executives

InnovationPoint’s Strategic Innovation Workshops deliver best practices knowledge combined with practical tools and applied problem-solving. Going far beyond typical “Creativity and Brainstorming 101” seminars, our highly interactive workshops focus on participants’ specific needs and create preliminary solutions to high-priority business issues and opportunities.

The deliverables and documentation that result from these sessions typically include:


Presentation materials, case studies, tools and templates, and session notes.


High-level strategies and plans.


InnovationPoint’s recommendations based on participants’ work in the session.

Driving Strategic Innovation: Customized Workshops for Leadership and Service Excellence

The format is flexible. Workshops are often customized to address the unique issues facing cross-functional teams, divisions, functions, business units, or groups of individuals from different organizations. Our audiences range from high potential leaders to senior management, but the focus is the same – create an awareness and experiential understanding of the critical success factors and tools available for driving strategic innovation.

Areas of focus can include how to create a culture of innovation, the leadership practices for driving forward new products and services, to approaches for uncovering and developing new growth opportunities. Case studies are used to illustrate fundamental theories, models and approaches, with collaborative activities and breakouts to ensure immediate application to real business challenges.

For those organizations specifically interested in services innovation, our recently completed global study on The Future of Service Innovation is now available as a standalone workshop. Following a similar format as a our general innovation workshops, our Future of Service Innovation Workshop provides insight into specific trends, emerging business models, and organizational capability requirements for those interested in taking their B2B and B2C service innovation to the next level.

Workshops range from one to two days in length. In some cases, we may invite one or more external “Thought Leaders” to join the sessions to share fresh perspectives and best practices within a given content area, and to work side-by-side with participants to develop preliminary solutions and action plans.

The goals of the workshops focus on capability building with actionable strategies and plans to:

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Leading Innovation

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