Why Fighting Everyday Fires will Burn Down Your House

I recently had the opportunity to provide a guest blog post on LeaderLab, one of the leading blogs focused on leadership, innovation and strategy. The post is titled Leading for Innovation: Why Fighting Fires Burns Down the House. Here’s an excerpt:

Whereas innovation used to be all about research & development, technology, and product or service innovation, what’s required for innovation today goes far beyond the traditional nuts and bolts. Innovation today is as much about how you deliver value as it is about whatit is you offer to the market. Today’s innovators know that services, business models, collaboration, relationships, networks, knowledge, and social capital are the keys to the future.

The other domain is leadership. Leadership used to be all about purpose, vision, mission, motivation and communication. While these things are still important, the domain of leadership is being reinvented by the same mechanisms responsible for transforming the field of innovation. Leading is as much about fostering networks, tapping into global resources and knowledge, following others, and creating the conditions that foster innovation.

The convergence of leadership and innovation is about realizing that the secret sauce that gives life to breakthrough leadership is innovation – and for breakthrough innovation it’s leadership. So what can leaders do right now to tap into the power of this convergence?

To read the entire article, click here: http://bit.ly/JjqnJF

Image Credit: WhereRu